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Nepal Automobiles Association (NASA Nepal) Forms A New Working Committee

Nepal Automobiles Association (NASA Nepal) has formed a new working committee along with the action plan for the next four years. The recently concluded general assembly also passed the progress and financial reports, annual and periodic programs, and announced the following 20 office-bearers by electing and nominating the 25-member working committee.Dashrath Risal will continue as the President, Dr. Buland Thapa has been elected as the Senior Vice President, Sitaram Neupane and Anil Baral have been elected as Vice Presidents, and Shushil Tandukar is the General Secretary. Similarly, the elected secretaries are Santosh Neupane, Niraj Khadka Chhetri, Mahesh Adhikari, Binod Tandukar and Diprash Shakya.  Dhanyamani Nepal has been elected as the Treasurer and Kamala Chhetri as the Co-treasurer. Similarly, the elected committee members are Sanju Bajracharya, Pragya Adhikari, Yaduraj Lamichhane, Victory Thapa, Shramik GC, Chadmala Maskey, Sanjay Baral and Mingma Dolma.The general assembly appointed the Founder General Secretary Govinda Bhattarai as the Executive Director to lead the secretariat for the next four years. In the general meeting, Member Secretary of the National Sports Council - Tanglal Ghising, Executive Director of Intermodal Transport Development Board - Ashish Gajurel, Joint Secretary General of Nepal Olympic Committee - Pitambar Timsina, Member Secretary of Bagmati Province - Suryalal Bhandari, Former President of Nepal Sports Federation - Ramesh Poudel, President of Nepal Skating and Skateboard - Achyut Khanal, President of Nepal Baseball and Softball Association -  Deepak Neupane, Coordinator of NASA Foundation Nepal -  Krishan Singh Basnet, gave their best wishes. At the event, Himbikram KC gave a presentation on media relations while Deepak Thapa highlighted events.Bhagabati Sedai of Safer Mobility Nepal, Executive Director of the Foreign Employment Board - Dr. Dharik Upreti, Departmental Head of National Sports Council - Min Sharma, Chandra Rai and Narayan Raj Aryal were also present at the meeting.

President of Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) - Mohamed Win Sulaiyam, President of Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) - George Vegas, President of FIA Region 2 - Griek Kraft, FIA Asia Pacific's Vice-President Li Lung, and FIM Asia's President Stefan Carapiot sent video greetings to the General Assembly.

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They praised the work and efficiency of NASA Nepal and expressed their commitment to continue their cooperation in the future.

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